Welcome. Please click on the below original pictures drawn by me (Stephen Howard) when I was a 10 year old boy. The link will take you to each species personal page where more artwork is located. Friends and colleagues have followed along for the ride and have even drawn their own versions of the aliens which I have also supplied which are there to hopefully inspire or at least give you a chuckle.


KYE and RAALA to be added. Consider the Kye and un-named monster large enough to fill the picture…possibly even bigger. The Raala are the same size as humans. The Cormaelae are the size of the Gandrah or Lyntinians (yet to be decided). And for the love of all things sacred…don’t take any inspiration for the look of the creatures from this drawing haha.

NOTE: The Bryurt might actually be taller…Same height as an Elgard.

Artist - Dennis Nagy

click on the imageS BELOW to see more updated versions

The featured images below are all the originals drawn back in the early 1990s by myself. All of the artists so far associated with the project have done their own versions which have been linked. Click on each of the following images to see further exploration into each Xenos.

USZGARDIANS - tribal and aquatic

USZGARDIANS - tribal and aquatic

Lyntinian - meant to be the perfect species. Perfect in physicality, and all they practice in life.

Lyntinian - meant to be the perfect species. Perfect in physicality, and all they practice in life.

Gandrah - Shamanistic species that struggles with its ferocious nature. One faction practices peace, the other embraces it’s feral and violent nature.

Gandrah - Shamanistic species that struggles with its ferocious nature. One faction practices peace, the other embraces it’s feral and violent nature.

Elgard - created as a tool to be the perfect warrior caste society. Each faction has been genetically mutated to serve a specific function, whether it is a front line solder, slave or hierarchy position.

Elgard - created as a tool to be the perfect warrior caste society. Each faction has been genetically mutated to serve a specific function, whether it is a front line solder, slave or hierarchy position.

Grellan - the scavengers and slavers of the galaxy.

Grellan - the scavengers and slavers of the galaxy.

Cormaelae - the most advanced civilisation. I’m thinking of changing this species to something that is completely energy based. So this picture is purely here for your entertainment so you can have a chuckle at the mind of a 10 year old boy.

Cormaelae - the most advanced civilisation. I’m thinking of changing this species to something that is completely energy based. So this picture is purely here for your entertainment so you can have a chuckle at the mind of a 10 year old boy.

Raala - wouldn’t have a clue yet!

Raala - wouldn’t have a clue yet!

Humans - the bottom of the food chain. Not a fan of this pic…only included it for laughs. But click on it and it will take you to some other ideas.

Humans - the bottom of the food chain. Not a fan of this pic…only included it for laughs. But click on it and it will take you to some other ideas.

“No name” Monster

“No name” Monster